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Dr. Kyle Ryley

What is Innercise?

The pursuit of optimal health and performance starts with feeling good and moving well. Sadly for most this is where it ends.

Movement is essential to us as humans. It is both practical and playful. We can increase our movement capacities through repetition and exertion (or in other words ➝ exercise). There is also a whole other flipside to movements practice that involves the opposite, a letting go and non-exertion (or in other words ➝ innercise).

By embracing movement, we not only challenge our physical limits but also nurture our mental well-being. The dynamic interplay between pushing ourselves to new heights and surrendering to stillness allows us to find balance within ourselves. It is through this delicate dance of effort and release that we discover the beauty of being fully present in our bodies. Movement, in all its forms, offers us a gateway to explore the depths of our capabilities and the vastness of our potential. So, let us continue to move with intention, grace, and a spirit of curiosity, for in motion, we find freedom.

Welcome to the world of innercise. Sit down, get comfy, stay a little.

Innercise is the practice of exposing, yielding to and responding to forces of stress or stagnation in the body by developing our power to 'let go' and set free.

Our bodies are one big inter-communicative fabric, opposing through complementing, and complimenting through opposing. This inter-communicative Yin-Yang relationship expresses itself in many forms. This includes tissue mechanics, fluid circulation, chemical and electrical messaging, to list some of the big ones. The interesting thing with movement is that iti in itself is also an expressive medium inter-communicating with our external world.

When it comes to tissue mechanics, we have muscle tissue that is in a relationship with the connective tissue it pulls upon when it contracts. Contraction extends and extension contracts. The more muscle holds the less connective tissue must hold. The less muscle holds the more connective tissues must hold. 

Through letting go, the body’s energy meridians, which are ultimately the grand totality of its many physical forms of intercommunication, will begin to optimize this mechanical tensegrity between active-excitatory muscle and passive-responsive connective tissue. This 'letting go' also extends its benefit to optimize charge distribution, circulation, nervous communication, and other modes of physical messaging.

By releasing tension and allowing the body's energy to flow freely, we create a harmonious balance within the intricate network of the body's meridians. This balance not only enhances the connection between active muscles and responsive tissue but also improves the overall distribution of energy, blood circulation, nervous system function, and various other ways in which the body communicates with itself. Embracing this state of relaxation and openness allows for a smoother flow of vital energy, promoting well-being and vitality throughout the entire body.

In other words when the body is given the freedom to truly be left alone and inert, it will discover how to best tend towards restoring natural balance.

When we allow our bodies the space and time to rest and recover, they have an amazing ability to heal themselves and restore equilibrium. Just like a garden left to its own devices will find a way to thrive, our bodies too can find their way back to a state of natural harmony when given the chance to simply be. So, let us embrace stillness, listen to our bodies, and trust in their innate wisdom to guide us towards wellness and balance.

If you’re looking to learn how to foster this natural balance, join the HEROmove waitlist!

Dr. Kyle Ryley Acu., TCMD

Train Health

Be Your HERO

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